… things that make you say… WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. And he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
—— Mitt Romney, candidate for President of the United States
“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”– Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator, SC
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
—-Todd Akin, Republican Candidate for Senate
“I built this!”
—–GOP campaign slogan
“Corporations are People, my friend!”
—— Mitt Romney, candidate for President of the United States
“There is no right to privacy. None.”
—Justice Antonin Scalia
Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission
—– SCOTUS, 2010
The work on this page is not mine. The quotes belong to those who said them. The artworks belong to the people who created them. I admire their wit and creativity and appreciate the opportunity to share them. –geo